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Charlie Goldendoodle

Charlie has the most amazing personality, he is so calm and gentle yet he loves to play and is very social with other dogs and people. We really could not have asked for a better dog. He looks forward to going to the dog park to play with his friends!!! He is a very confident, smart and loyal dog. He does love to get into anything he can right now thought - that adolescent stage. Very fun!!

- Stacey, ON Canada

My journey is quite different, with travel preparations, vaccinations on time, Dreamdoods have been helping me in every step until destination. My life with my dream Dood is like a revolution. Never thought I would one day have my little puppy. Every time I look at him I thank god for giving the opportunity to take care of him. Thank you so much for everything.



- Natalie, Port-au-Prince, HAITI 

Abstract Goldendoodle boy

Life has been awesome.  We kept the name Mali. I don’t know why but it really suits her. She is such a character and just so loving to everyone. Her favourite toy is anything she can steal. She will find something and then wait for us to acknowledge it and then literally runs off I’m sure laughing in her head. She loves her little kiddie pool and goes absolutely bananas in it. I love that she is so inquisitive and she is always up for playing or training or just lying next to you. The best part about the experience was finding out we actually had secured her and then when she was delivered surprising my kids. One of the happiest days of their lives

- Adam, ON Canada

After week one we were hooked. She slept most of the time but she was so sweet. Gave us licks and the paw and we found ourselves wanting her to grow up quick so we could take her on walks and to the dog park and getaways. She is the sweetest girl and all she wants is to be near us. She is patient and calm. She loves to play with all the dogs and gets excited to meet all the people. She loves to play fetch inside the house. She loves ice cream and puppucinos. She’s brave and strong and loves to wrestle. We say almost every day how lucky we are to have a dog like her.

- Lauren, ON Canada

Parti Goldendoodle

Hugo ( formally Versace ) has settled in well into our home nicely.. we are absolutely in love with him! Such a great personality and is so observant! He is fully potty trained. He can sit, give paw, lay down. He loves to cuddle and give kisses (even to strangers lol ) plays well with other dogs.. we are extremely happy so far!

Alison, ON Canada

Koa has been so calm I honestly CANNOT beieve it. She plays with everyone and isn't afraid to wander around and explore. She's great with the kids and isnt rough at all. What a dream puppy for real. All the anxiety I had about having a puppy is completely gone! She's already starting to give her little cues for when she has to "go".  She is not shy and approaches people in such a friendly manner without hesitation.  Koa really loves being under our dining table so we moved her bed there while we all have dinner no problem! I didn't realize what that the impact of your puppy culture and socializing would be this great.  We are very blessed to have her. 

- Eva, ON Canada

Australian Mountain Doodle
Goldendoodle Abstract

Murphy (Ireland) is a happy dog always with a goofy smile on her face. She loves meeting new people and other dogs, but her favourite thing to do is play in the water -pool, lake, bath, or rain! Her favourite toy is her stuffie that she’s had since day one but also enjoys anything that crinkles. I really liked weekly updates posted on Instagram, being tagged in posts. Being able to drop off a shirt as I lived locally.

- Rachel,ON Canada

Smurf is doing wonderfull. She's adjusting really well and has a lovely temperament that makes her the center of attention in our complex. As you mentioned, we're finding that pup training is an ongoing process, but we're confident she'll make great progress. Our experience with DreamDoods has been fantastic, and we'd wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone looking for a new furry family member.

- Criss, ON Canada

Hali Goldendoodle

Hali has been the absolute light of our life these past few months! She never fails to put a smile on our faces, whether she’s demonstrating her newest trick, getting dizzy from chasing her tail or reminding us that she knows that she is the cutest member of the family! From chasing her favourite toy chicken, to teaching herself to ring our decorative Christmas bells when she wants to go outside, she constantly keeps us on our toes-but we wouldn’t have it any other way!

- Stratton Family, ON Canada

Coco/Dior is a doll! Smart and affectioned. Such a quick learner, potty trained after just a few days at home and she now sleeps thoughout the night. (9pm to 7am). Thank you DreamDoods to bring Coco to our lives 

Loudin, Laval QC


Our Marlee is literally the best thing that has happened to our family in a long time . She is so calming to us all and is always happy and wanting to impress us. Her favourite toy is her squeeky chicken and her Benebone! She loves the off-leash dog parks as she is open to playing and wrestling with new friends.

- Danielle, ON Canada

My expecatations were exceeded!!  I was warned that Samson might be tall and he was bigger then I was expecting; but he was also SO much more amazing then I expected!!! I’m so happy and I would rather have 15 extra pounds of a dog who is so loving, so gentle, and one of the best dogs I have ever met!

- Sue, ON Canada


Ollie (Olivier) is an absolutely spectacular puppy! He was wonderful the minute we brought him home! He did not even cry a bit his first night with us. Christina, his guardian Mommy did a wonderful job making sure he was already well socialized. He has already brought us a wealth of happiness and he is growing very nicely. Our Vet was very pleased with him at his wellness check and booster shots appointment. We have a small posse of little boys as neighbours, they were previously best friends with our beloved Darcy( a 142 lb Bernese Mountain dog, with a stupendous affinity for children  - now they are becoming frequent visitors for Ollie, he adores them.

- Kim, QC Canada

Mabel is the best. House/potty training has been more or less a breeze. She is so smart and learns so quickly. She’s also the biggest suck for attention I’ve ever met in my life (lol). She stops and puts her bum down whenever she sees anyone outside and is clearly perplexed when (the rare time) someone doesn’t give her attention and tell her how beautiful she is . She’s very loved by my whole family and the entire neighborhood! I’ve lived on my street for 5 years but have only met the majority of my neighbours during this past month because of her haha. 

Jen, ON Canada

Aussiedoodle girl

My life has been amazing with Jo, she loves the snow and swimming in the lake. She has tons of energy but is a little cuddle bug at the end of the day. Seeing how she would adjust with our older dogs was a worry but she fits in like she’s always been a part of the family. I appreciated the continued updates and communication before and after adoption

- Natalie, ON Canada

Kody loves to play fetch and run around in the backyard. He is very sweet and he loves to meet new dogs and people.  He came to our lives at a perfect time and I'm so grateful for him and dreamdoods for having the cutest loving puppy! The best part of the experience was meeting other dog lovers and kody's brother. Also love the dreamdoods community online.

- Justin, ON Canada


It was simple process ; I liked the updates through social media and video of him growing up . Blue is amazing.  Chilled personality ; friendly ; protective ; smart and always up for belly rub.

- Tomek, ON Canada

Life has been amazing with our girl Cali. She is the sweetest and especially loves to snuggle with our 2 young children. She’s been the perfect addition to our family. The best experience was all of the updates we received. We felt connected to the pups right from the day they were born. Seeing them grow and change was amazing.

- Melissa, ON Canada

Goldendoodle puppy
Aussiedoodle puppy

Her name is Maisie (originally Tweety) and she was part of the Looney Toons litter. Life has been wonderful with her. She is full of energy and loves going on walks, playing tug a war and catch. She loves chewing sticks. Maisie loves morning cuddles right when she wakes up. She loves all other dogs and looks forward to our daily walks to play and socialize. I loved being able to do the video calls once a week to see how she was growing and how she was socializing with her litter mates.

- Kylee, ON Canada

Penny has been a great fun for our family. We have learned a lot and have a lot more to learn! Penny is well tempered and excellent with children even though she is young. She is clearly a very smart dog and learns easily. We are thankful for the privilege of having her as part of our family. I appreciate the support and advice Dreamdoods provide

- Donna, ON Canada
Guardian Parent

Aussiedoodle puppy

It’s only been a couple days since we’ve had Winston but he is amazing! He’s learnt how to sit and spin in a circle for a treat and is slowly getting better in the crate. He loves giving kisses and loves hiding under the couch! We are so happy with him. I loved being able to ask for photos, having weekly calls to see how he was growing and being able to ask as many questions!

- Krysten, ON Canada

Finn is adorable and the perfect addition to our family! He’s a typical puppy, busy and curious, likes our shoes and ankles more than his toys, but with consistent redirection he’s starting to love his toys! His favorite is Matilda the monkey. Finn loves to play with us and our 6 and 7 yr olds adore him. He’s the best snuggler and is now sleeping great through the nights. He’s made friends with every dog and child in the neighbourhood, everyone loves his sweet and kind personality. He’s a very smart puppy and loves to learn, he knows to sit, stay, come, off and down at just under 9 weeks old. We could not ask for a better puppy! What a little love bug. Thank you! We love him so much.

- Julie, QC Canada

Parti Merle Aussiedoodle boy

It’s only just been a week since Jasper and I started our adventure together and I am beyond happy to have him. Jasper is an intelligent, active and calm puppy. He likes to play and run around our backyard, eat and get treats as a reward for being a good boy, and he likes his nap time as well. Jasper was able to quickly adjust to our family’s routine during his first week home. Jasper truly is the best puppy that I could ever ask for and I cannot wait for more adventures to come with him. Dreamdoods’ communication between me and them is first class. They were able to provide me excellent information for all the questions I had while I was preparing for a new puppy and during the first days of Jasper being home. They were also quick to answer. Overall, my experience with dreamdoods were excellent and smooth. Thank you Dreamdoods!

- Gabriel, ON Canada

Life has been filled with laughs, hugs, some grumbling, and lots of love! Milo is smart, cuddly and a riot to watch when experiencing the smallest things! His favourite toy was a wolf "stuffy", but it had to be retired when his stuffing started "escaping". Meanwhile, he's digging a rope, small koala stuffy, teething toys, etc. One of his hobbies is sleeping under the couch so you only see his feet sticking out. Classic Milo! Thanks for the after service. Nice to have someone to bounce questions on!

- Gabriela, QC Canada

Red Goldendoodle

Our beautiful dream dood is 3 months old and we absolutely adore her. Her name is Nala, yes, like the Lion King lol! She was from the frozen litter of Francs & Billion. She is playful, sweet, energetic, loving, goofy, a fast learner and we can’t wait to continue making more and more special moments with her. Our experience with Dream Doods was excellent. We loved staying in contact especially for weekly calls and updates. They made sure everything was properly taken care of. They take exceptional care of their puppies and give great suggestions for nutrition. It was a smooth and sweet experience for getting a new puppy! If you’re thinking of getting a new puppy, Dream Doods is the way to go!

- Maria-Sophia, QC Canada

Waylon has been the sweetest pup since day one. He's fit right in with our three boys. He is a ball of energy and loves to cuddle in the evenings. We loved the video chats and updates and the pictures as well as the information beforehand for food/supplement recommendations. He has a great temperament and is the perfect addition to our family.

- Kirsten, ON Canada

Phantom Aussiedoodle

Hank has settled in really well. He is really is a delight. Playful, snuggly and he loves everyone, man and beast. We have so much fun on our daily adventures on the forest trails. I couldn't have a more enthusiastic companion. This breed combination has a great temperament. I would recommend your puppies to anyone who can give them the attention and exercise they need. I will post regular pupdates and pics on IG. I'm a very happy and satisfied new puppy mom!

- Cindy, QC Canada

Bentley is now 5 months old and he is a wonderful addition to our family. He is a very playful puppy and has tons of personality. His favorite toy is a large swimming pool ball that he chases around the lawn and he loves to steal our flip flops! Communication throughout the process along with regular photos of the litter made the experience seamless and stress free.

- Kevin, ON Canada

Bentley Goldendoodle
Guinness Goldendoodle boy

Guinness is such a goofball with the sweetest heart. He loves to play with his dog cousins and mini human friends. A big fan of long walks with his grandpa. He is always happy with so much energy! But when he’s ready for a nap he will cuddle up to you for hours. He has the most adorable head tilt. He has learned sit, lay down, paw, and stay. The best boy.

- Taylor, ON Canada

Tig is great. He brings us and everyone in our community immeasurable amounts of joy every day. We couldn't be happier

- Riv, QC Canada


We are loving our Dream Dood. Caper is sweet and sassy and bringing us lots of joy. He loves running, jumping and playing chase, but is also a seriously snuggly pup once we get all of his sillies out. His favourite spot to hang out is lounged across the back of our couch in the front window where he can watch the world go by. We are enjoying every minute with him, even in the early morning hours as he loves to wake us up early for cuddles.

- Sarah, ON Canada

We have been absolutely loving having Joy (formerly River) as part of our family. She has been adjusting well, and doing great with potty training. Sleeping in her crate took a few nights for her to get comfortable, but now she sleeps 7-8 hours in the crate at our bedside. She is such a sweet dog and she brings lots of joy and happiness of course! She is very friendly and loves meeting our friends and extended family.

- Courtney, ON Canada


Laki (Pacific) is adapting really well to his new home. He is playful and affectionate. 


Since we work from home, we were able to toilet trained him quickly ! He loves to play outside and bring my girls to the school bus in the mornings.

- Stephanie, QC Canada

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